One of 3 we own. Best wagons we have run.

One of 3 we own. Best wagons we have run.
My farm has been using H&S rakes for about ten years. Ever since we switched to H&S, we have had hardly any breakdowns. They are durable and made out of strong material. Overall, H&S is the nicest and best company to work with.
This is my third rake I’ve had, and it does a lot better job and you can go faster.
I own a custom chopping business and ten years ago the first wagon that I started out with was an H&S 16ft combo box. It was used, but I’ve continued to use it every year since. Throughout the years I’ve purchased two more used ones and one brand-new Wide Body! They are reliable, easy to
My H&S wrapper and manure spreader are both built very well.
Our 5 H&S chopper boxes have always treated us well and never skip a beat. Our H&S forage blower, 310 H&S manure spreader, and H&S Hay Tedder have all treated us well.
H&S forage boxes are well built and easy to operate.
H&S has provided the best quality products over the years for me. From Load Kings to 7+4, they have met the challenge. H&S has been a great part to the local community, from job training to 4-H and FFA.
H&S forage wagons are made of great quality and with pride.
Ran across a couple thousand acres in 2020 with my H&S 7116. It’s the best rake I’ve ever baled behind. Every time I use it, I’m impressed – Windrows are smooth and clear of dirt, and it doesn’t leave anything behind when raking large heavy windrows for baleage. Absolutely love it!
They work really well. We were using trucks in the field and then we had a really wet summer, so we needed something to haul the sileage. The trucks can stay on the hard surface, and the tractors can do the field work. Our efficiency has gone up about 15-20%.
“We just want to say thanks for making our life easier. One of our rakes is seventeen years old and performs as great as our other three newer ones.”
“I started a bale wrapping business five years ago when I bought my first H&S wrapper. Since then, I have purchased a second bale wrapper and wouldn’t go with any other brands! Very easy to run!”
“Simple and easy to operate.”
“Bought new in 2017 and has been a great investment.”
Switching to H&S rear unload wagons more than doubled our daily production over front unload wagons. Their simplicity and ease of maintenance as well was a big deal! Highly recommend these wagons to anyone putting up forage. These wagons will be here to stay!! Great product.
If you are looking for a simple merger that makes clean, uniform rows, then the 6128 Twin-Flex Merger is the way to go. With minimal electronics it is super easy to run, and you can put a 100 HP tractor on it with no issues. We have been well-served by H&S equipment for many years.
The H&S 6128 merger is so simple to use. It was a charm last year.
We love our H&S live bottom Wide Body’s. They are a game changer when it comes to hauling crops.
We are a third-generation farm. Custom chopping and trucking is a large part of our operation. We also manage a large local dairy farm as well as milk two herds at two locations at our own farm. H&S equipment has been a longtime asset to our business. Our trucking end of our operation is constantly