H&S Top Shot is a good quality spreader.

H&S Top Shot is a good quality spreader.
Our H&S 430 manure spreader – Had it for 8 years now and love it! Great product!
This was the first product from H&S that we purchased for our operation. We bought our 310 Manure Spreader back in 2000 and have used it almost weekly in the winter months. The durability of their equipment has made a lasting impression on our farm. We are very pleased with the H&S brand.
We bought one 425 back in 2006. It was a really good spreader and we liked it so much that we decided to go back with another one. They’re easy to use, there’s not a lot of moving parts, it’s low-maintenance. Winters in Wisconsin get cold, and they don’t freeze up.
“H&S 425 manure spreader, largest spreader on the farm, is very useful for our 400-cow dairy operation!
My grandpa’s had H&S equipment and my dad has, and it’s proven itself throughout the years. Yes, we had some other brands in between there, but we’ve always gone back to the H&S because it just seems like they’re more durable and hold up a lot better.
You guys know as well as I do in the wintertime, when it’s real cold, that takes a lot of stress on this thing. I’ve got to use it every day in the wintertime, cold or not. It’s reliable and I got good service where I bought it from, so it works.
When H&S came out with the right-hand discharge, that’s what switched us to H&S for this size spreader because with right-hand discharge, all your controls are on the right side. I really like this spreader. I’ve had this one three years, it’s got over 12 million gallons through it. It holds up really well.
Great spreader and some nice upgrades from the Gehl patent!
We bought this spreader new in July of 2011. It spreads 2 loads of manure every day. It has been our best spreader we have ever had.